Maret 07, 2018
#Event : Pelatihan Speech Writing and Public (FPCI)
Mantan Speech Writer Presiden, Dino Patti Djalal akan Memberikan Pelatihan Speech Writing and Public
Workshop ini melatih peserta menulis pidato dalam bahasa Inggris secara efektif, profesional dan menggugah sesuai dengan standar internasional.
Duta Besar Dino Patti Djalal dikenal sebagai salah satu penulis pidato kenegaraan terbaik di Indonesia dan pidato-pidato yang ditulisnya berhasil memperkuat daya tarik kebijakan, posisi dan prestasi Pemerintah Indonesia di dunia internasional. Salah satu pidato yang ditulisnya masuk dalam adendum buku "Words That Shook The World" — yang diterbitkan Richard Green dari Amerika Serikat, berisi kumpulan pidato terbaik di abad ke-21.
Workshop satu hari penuh ini akan memberikan pelatihan sbb:
1. Prinsip, Pedoman dan Tips Dalam Menyusun Pidato; oleh Dr. Dino Patti Djalal
2. Mengkaji Contoh-Contoh Pidato yang Efektif; oleh Dr. Dino Patti Djalal
3. Cara Melakukan Public Speaking dengan Baik; oleh Mark Zuckerman, mantan staf kampanye Presiden Barack Obama tahun 2008.
4. Simulasi Pidato oleh Setiap Peserta; oleh Dr. Dino Patti Djalal dan Mark Zuckerman.
Biaya investasi: Rp. 2,500,000,- per peserta. (Hanya untuk peserta yang serius)
Untuk pendaftaran, silahkan menghubungi Zikri di +6281809038883 (WhatsApp only)
Sekretariat Dino Patti Djalal - School of Diplomacy
Mayapada Tower 1, Lantai 19,
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 28 (Gedung Biru sebelum WTC)
"There is no way, no other place you will learn how to write speech, especially how to deliver it in front of people. You will learn from the best, from the former Ambassador of Indonesia to the US. It’s awesome and you will learn a lot of things here. Thank you." – David Sukma Putra, Kementrian Keuangan Indonesia
"They improve my skills during the workshop and I can elaborate the ideas that I had in my head and deliver it in a beautiful speech, technically. So, thank you to Pak Dino and all the mentors that I’ve met today, because without you maybe I can’t improve my skill like today." – Ayu Rahmatini, Universitas Indonesia
"This one-day course taught me a lot of new stuffs especially in practicing giving a speech. I was given out the tips and tricks based on the experiences and not only from theories that written in the books, but actually from Pak Dino himself. So, when we have the chance to write the speech and deliver it at the same time, we got the sense how to deliver a good speech. And especially they gave us the insight after we deliver the speech as well so we can improve the next days. Especially when they said that sometimes even a public-figure has to practice five times to get the speech right. So, it gave us more motivation." – Sara Wayne, News Anchor Metro TV
"I’m personally interested with the speech writing and public relations because first it would be useful for my work as we have to do some publications in media. My impression for the course is fantastic. This one-day course is taught by the amazing and really experienced people. They speak from their experience; they know what they're talking about and they were very great in summarizing the important aspects of speaking into a condensed presentation. We also had opportunity to give speech and personally get judged and evaluated by the mentors, I think that give us more confidence and also knowledge of what it takes to make a good speech. This program is useful for anyone who wishes to engage in jobs that require public speaking or articulation." – Dhawal Ketan Doshi, NWP Retail
"There are so many things that I learned in this event and then I hope I can implement it in the next stages, in my future, to support my career." – Shintawati Elizabeth, Bank Indonesia
“Workshop ini sangat membantu saya untuk berani berbicara di depan umum, saya menjadi lebih percaya diri, dari saya yang sebelumnya malu untuk melakukan public speaking.” – Robby Bakharuddin, Universitas Indonesia
“Kelas ini sangat berguna untuk teman-teman yang belum begitu mahir dalam berbicara di depan publik. Yang sudah mahir pun juga saya sarankan untuk mengikuti workshop ini, karena workshop ini dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berbicara kalian.” – Jessica Nathalia Widjaja, Aktivis dan Entreupreneur
“Training ini diisi oleh mentor-mentor terbaik seperti Pak Dino, Pak Mark dan Pak Jamil, dan mereka benar-benar memberikan teknik dan meaningful insight yang bagus banget. Selama ini saya mengira speech itu hal yang menakutkan, tapi setelah diberikan tips dan trik di training ini ternyata speech itu merupakan hal yang bisa saya lakukan.” – Lusia, Diretorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara, Kementrian Keuangan Indonesia
“I found it very useful for me, as a personal and as a staff at Indonesian Ministry of Finance. The facilitator is the best in the field and of course I recommend this course to those who work in sectors that required public speaking and speechwriting.” – Pandu, Kementrian Keuangan Indonesia
“Only one day but we got all the tools, all of the checklists to make a great speech, and we also got the chance to practice which was really great. Thank you Dino Patti Djalal - School of Diplomacy.” – Wina Wilanisa, Communication Specialist McKinsey and Company